22 Years Old Priyanka Needs Your Support In Fighting Blood Cancer

name: priyanka deshmane

raise: Rs.30,74,024

location: mumbai

It's with a hopeful heart that I'm requesting you to donate for the treatment of my little sister Priyanka Deshmane (Age-22) who is diagnosed with blood cancer (Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia). She is under treatment at Jaslok Hospital & Research Center, Mumbai. I and my family have been taking care of her and spent all we had. Doctors advised Chemotherapy which will cost up to 15-20 lac rupees in next 2-3 months & if required Bone Marrow Transplant which is costing up to 35-40 lac rupees. we are running out of funds. My father suffered a brain stroke 2 years ago and is still under-recovery.

I'm the only earner of the family and can barely afford to live. As it goes without saying that we are financially bombed and we are broken in and out. Cancer is very painful for my sister and my family. Also, the treatment is financially and mentally draining. Your donation can tremendously help us with the treatment. I am strongly convinced that you will come to our aid and help my sister Priyanka to get a healthy life again. She has already planned and dreamt of having a successful career as CMA but during this tough time she only hopes to be alive to make her dreams come true.

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event details

date: january 25,2017

time: 09:30 AM-5:00PM

event categories: fundraising,past event


location:china hill ln, long beach,wA 98631


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