Nearly 1.73 million children die in India every year due to lack of treatment.Pahal ngo an Indian social development organization, is directly benefitting over 15 lakh children and their families every year. We have more than 400 live welfare projects on education, healthcare, livelihood, and women’s empowerment in over 2,000 remote villages and urban slums across 25 states of India.


Crowdfunding raises small amounts from a large group of people online.


Help a child discover the joy of learning and join us in our efforts to put Every Child in School.

Health Awareness

programs on health and personal hygiene for the slum community and for underprivileged children.


Child survival is a field of public health concern with reducing child mortality.


voluntarily supports these underprivileged children by providing them with nutritional.


Many families come from weaker sections who need nutritional support, especially children.


Pahal Foundation works with children from the most marginalized, economically deprived families to support them in their treatment of critical surgeries. The parents usually do not have a huge amount of money to spend on the treatment of such surgeries. The organization sponsors the treatment of these underprivileged children and helps them to get back to their normal lives.


Raising funds is easier than ever before with free sign-up, instant fundraiser approval, and 24*7 expert support.You can help a child escape from the bonds of poverty through our donation online.Help a child discover the joy of learning and join us.


Education is a national-level program of Pahal Foundation, an NGO for education that is committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underprivileged children. Pahal Foundation, an NGO for poor child education.


No payback. No loans. No insurance. At Pahal, life comes first. Start a fundraiser to cover your urgent cancer tumor treatment today. With Pahal, you no longer need to worry about getting treated at the expense of your family’s financial future.


We encourage and invite individuals for volunteer opportunities and volunteer registration, to be an active part of our organization and share the same vision and purpose as us – to work for the welfare of children and their families.

our services

Raise funds online for medical emergencies and social causes

our causes

Pahal Foundation voluntarily supports these underprivileged children by providing them with nutritional kids.

Feed For Hungry Child

Hunger is one of the most devastating needs among children living in poverty. Every day, our staff around the world meet new children who don’t have enough to eat. So many children are sick, dangerously thin, have low energy, listless eyes and more because of lack of food.

Stop Child's Illiteracy

Since In COVID-19, children have a lot of difficulty finding food and shelter. Our mission is to bring a permanent home, good food, education and good surroundings to these children please help the children for the basic needs. We need funds for food, education and aashram.

School Building

Crowdfunding raises small amounts from a large group of people online who are inspired by your determination and want you to succeed. Education crowdfunding can cover university fees, tuition, school infrastructures, teachers’ salaries, food distribution, and more.

heart broken story

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. Coast of Semantics, large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted.unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by theall-powerful.

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what we do

Start a fundraiser to cover your urgent cancer tumor treatment today. With Pahal, you no longer need to worry about getting treated at the expense.

Support Underprivileged Students

We work for the welfare of people in nearby villages near our campus. Our main initiative is to run our own school, Jagriti Vidya Mandir (JVM) where we provide free-of-cost quality education to around 240+ underprivileged children from class Nursery to 5th.

Help Uttar Pradesh farmers

It is well-known fact that Bundelkhand region is the most backward region with a grim face of ugly poverty. Most hunger deaths are reported from the region along with farmer's suicide every third day. Lack of natural resources, poor communication, infertile land, erratic rain distribution.

Help To Recover From Chronic Kidney Disease

She needs dialysis every alternative day. Also taking 6 medications per day for keeping blood pressure controlled.Until now, we've spent about Rs. 1700000. We've arranged the amount from savings & loans.In the next few days.

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